Good Grief!

We are so excited to announce that Dr Lucy Selman, Associate Professor at the University of Bristol and founder of the Good Grief Festival, will be joining our online day of events on November 3rd. For years many individuals and organisations have been working to raise the profile of death, dying and bereavement, but Lucy has taken this to another level and her reach is profound and hugely valuable. Using both her personal experience and academic research, Lucy has propelled the conversation about grieving forward in a hugely effective way, exploring it from many surprising and unexpected angles and ensuring a properly inclusive approach. During lockdown she brought together a wide range of speakers and experts in the field of bereavement to bring comfort, inspiration and engagement through the first Good Grief Festival. Her own thoughtful and incisive style makes the festival's events appealing and approachable to a wide range of viewers. In May 2023 Good Grief held their first in-person festival in Weston-super-Mare - you can watch a short film about the festival here. Don’t miss the next offerings from Good Grief Festival by joining the mailing list on their website and subscribing to their Youtube Channel.

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