Event details

Grieving for Our Planet

Duncan Forbes in conversation with others about how they resource themselves and how lamentation and other practices can help us find the strength we need in the face of climate change and environmental destruction.

Grieving for Our Planet

Date & Time:  Fri 3rd November

Location of Event:  Online


Charge: Pay what you can - you need only Register ONCE for the whole day's events (ie not for every individual event!)

Registration for Online Day enables you to attend ANY OR ALL of the events, as you choose. (The only exception is for the sessions on Deep Listening for Assisted Dying, to which only the first 15 participants will be admitted to each session, first come first served.) To register you will be asked to pay what you can. There will also be an opportunity to purchase an online recording of all the days' events (excluding the two on Assisted Dying.)

On Registration, you will receive an email from Eventbrite with the Zoom link for the whole day - you just click on the link any time you wish to join an event. There will be a separate link for the sessions on Assisted Dying.

You will also receive reminder emails leading up to the event - and booking will remain open throughout Online Day too, so you can still join even if you missed the start!

If you haven't already booked via another page on our site, you may click here to Register for all your online events on Nov 3rd - please only register ONCE.

Duncan Forbes

Duncan’s paid work has included NHS management, time as Bursar of an Oxford college, and for the last seven years before retirement, running a hospice. From the latter developed voluntary work in end-of-life care, leading into his current engagement with emotional and psychological responses to climate change.
Duncan approaches the latter from a perspective of faith, in his case the Christian one. He believes that the faith-traditions of the world have much to offer in helping people come to understand and acknowledge the severity of the threats that humanity now faces. The way people find resilience when
faced with a life-limiting diagnosis can provide useful lessons for living in a time of crisis. In 2023 Duncan’s short book on this topic, “An Ecology of the Heart”, was published by slg Press Oxford. https://www.slgpress.co.uk
Learning how to grieve, individually and collectively, is an important and often neglected element of our journeys as mortal human beings. It is this theme that Duncan will be particularly exploring at the Festival.

Caroline Hickman

Caroline Hickman has a background in mental health social work and psychotherapy studying with ‘Revision’ & archetypal & cultural psychology with ‘Thiasos’ qualifying in 2000. Currently a lecturer at the University of Bath researching children and young people’s emotional responses to the climate and biodiversity crisis internationally for 10 years examining eco- anxiety & distress, eco-empathy, trauma, moral injury, impact of climate anxiety on relationships and developing psycho-educational models to work with eco-anxiety. She is co- lead author on a 2021 global study of 10,000 children & young people’s emotions & thoughts about climate change published in The Lancet Planetary Health.


Elouise Mayall

Elouise is a PhD student at the University of Aberdeen researching goshawk dispersal in Scottish forests. She is also researching the impacts of climate anxiety on children and young people and is a co-author of the 2021 quantitative global study on the topic published in the journal Lancet Planetary Health. Outside of academia, she is a member of the UK Youth Climate Coalition, whose mission is to mobilise and empower young people to take positive action for global climate justice.

Panu Pihkala

Panu Pihkala (b. 1979, he/his) is a Finnish researcher of eco-emotions and a workshop leader, who earlier also worked as a pastor. He has applied grief theory and practice to workshops and written material. Pihkala has written several influential articles on eco-emotions and has just completed a long article manuscript on ecological grief. For some of his earlier work on ecological grief, see his 2020 BBC essay (https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200402-climate-grief-mourning-loss-due-to-climate-change) and his Process Model of Eco-anxiety and Ecological Grief (December 2022) (https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/14/24/16628 ). Among other positions of trust, Pihkala serves as an advisor for the Finnish national project on social and health sector responses to eco-anxiety (www.ymparistoahdistus.fi). He hosts the podcast Climate Change and Happiness together with Dr. Thomas Doherty (https://climatechangeandhappiness.com/ ) and often co-operates with artists and educators.

Photograph by Uzi Varon / Kirjapaja