How do you feel today?
Location of Event: Old Fire Station, Oxford
Charge: FREE
Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
Helen Pakeman is an artist who likes to tackle difficult subjects, using art to start a conversation. Originally a printmaker, she now works in fibre, basketry, weaving and textiles. She has just completed a 2 year Diploma in Art
and Contemporary Craft at West Dean College in Sussex and the work she is showing is her final project.
The exhibition is about the emotions that people go through when given a terminal diagnosis. Talking about ‘death’ is not encouraged, therefore people often don’t have the conversations they should around the subject: if they were to become ill how would they wish to die (if there is a choice)? Would they prefer hospital or home? Resuscitation or not? Organ donation or not? When one is given a terminal diagnosis the emotions are intense and the shock is real. This work tries to give abstract shape to those emotions in various materials and perhaps provoke discussion around the issue, whilst acknowledging that, although the emotions are universal, the journey is not linear. Being allied to the ‘Festival of Living and Dying’ is a great opportunity to start that.
In and around Oxford city and Oxfordshire
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