Event details

Life, Almost - Miscarriage, Still Birth and Motherhood

Jennie Agg, journalist and mother, experienced a series of miscarriages leading her to question how society views miscarriage and wonder why the medical profession does not explore it more. Why is this experience not taken more seriously?  

Life, Almost - Miscarriage, Still Birth and Motherhood

Date & Time:  Fri 3rd November

Location of Event:  Online


Charge: Pay what you can - you need only Register ONCE for the whole day's events (ie not for every individual event!)

Registration for Online Day enables you to attend ANY OR ALL of the events, as you choose. (The only exception is for the sessions on Deep Listening for Assisted Dying, to which only the first 15 participants will be admitted to each session, first come first served.) To register you will be asked to pay what you can. There will also be an opportunity to purchase an online recording of all the days' events (excluding the two on Assisted Dying.)

On Registration, you will receive an email from Eventbrite with the Zoom link for the whole day - you just click on the link any time you wish to join an event. There will be a separate link for the sessions on Assisted Dying.

You will also receive reminder emails leading up to the event - and booking will remain open throughout Online Day too, so you can still join even if you missed the start!

If you haven't already booked via another page on our site, you may click here to Register for all your online events on Nov 3rd - please only register ONCE.

Jennie Agg

Jennie Agg is an acclaimed health and science journalist, whose work has appeared in the Guardian, the Times, the Mail, the Telegraph, Red, Grazia, Women's Health and elsewhere. Her book Life, Almost: Miscarriage, Misconceptions, and a Search for Answers from the Brink of Motherhood was published earlier this year.
