It's very nearly "That's All Folks!"

KTB 2023 is drawing to a close - last call to be part of our incredible events. On Sunday we have four final events:
Crossing the Threshold
Walking It Through!
Covid Memorial Tree and Bulb Planting
Bereavement Cafe

Please use the links for further info and to book if you would like to join us for these very last opportunities - there is still a day of exploration and love available...

It's honestly hard to find the words to express the experiences of the last few weeks, and particularly the intensity of the last 48 hours. The richness and diversity of events for  KTB 2023 has been extraordinary and I think it is fair to say that even the Team themselves have learned more than they believed possible in their wildest dreams. We hope you have had the opportunity to take part in whatever resonated, inspired or aroused curiosity within you. Thank you from us all :)